Saturday, December 10, 2011

Still major contributors to S.W.Florida's economy

Hello everyone: Still a lengthy list of projects to undertake in the next couple weeks. First pic is showing the wind instrument that failed on us last year, we didn't really need it but it's nice to have, makes sailing more efficient, so I removed it and pulled the rotor and wind vane off the top of the mast as well as the wire out all the way down the inside of the mast and into the boat. I assembled the thing in on the table and could get it to work for a half hour or so then it would crap out. I took it to a Raymarine service center in Naples and they swear there's nothing wrong with it. When we removed the wire we tied 100 lbs test fishing line on it and left the line in the mast in order to facilitate pulling the wire back in. While trying to pull it back in today, me at top feeding and Traci on the bottom pulling, with about 10 feet to go something went "twang", Traci went "oh oh" and I quietly swore just slightly above to myself. So, the electrical fish tape in the picture is the one we have that is about a few feet too short to make it down the mast to pull a new piece of line up. The shiny new gold coloured water pump is the new raw water pump to go on the starbord engine along with the new alternator that is supposed to be here on Monday. The speaker is indicitive of the new radio I bought on black Friday for Traci to listen to her tunes and the new light bulb is 36 new led's assembled on one bulb that is going to replace our anchor light at 10 times the brightness and 5 times less power consumption. Also a beer in the picture, I'll have to take care of that shortly. We've added to new 90w solar panels that seem to do a bang up job of keeping the batteries up. We've ordered a new hot water heater that is to be delivered on Monday and finally a new anchor and swivel that should make Traci's life much less stressfull. I have to give her credit, she has all the anchoring signals down to one simple jesture, involving only 1 hand and 1 finger! "Traci, drop the anchor", I get the signal, "Traci, is it on bottom?", I get the signal, "Traci, lift the anchor.", same signal. Anything to do with anchoring is quickly and easily understood. The other day right after getting groceries she stepped down the few steps into one hull and huge package of toilet paper fell down on her. I told her she was lucky, she was almost........wiped out. :)

The other pics are Traci's updated cupboard, the shiny new toilet installed but leaks fresh water, a valuable commodity, and a couple of our neighbors decorated boats all lit up for Christmas. A new fresh water solenoid is on it's way for the toilet that should fix it. That's about all I got for now till more stuff comes in and when we finally get underway.

Dave and Traci