I travel an awful lot for work and run across some interesting things, some "Americano" some just interesting and I wish I had taken time to take pics of them all but don't.
Above is a sign that caught my eye in Bloomington, Il. right next to a sight I work at. Kinda tells it like it is.
It would seem Batman rides a motorcycle in Naples during his downtime!
A few images around us from up the mast last week as I spent a fair amount of time up there pulling new wires, removing a toasted radar and lights and pulling a new wind instrument wire and device all blasted by the lightning strike.
When it rains here it POURS enough to seemingly overwhelm some bilge pumps or over-tax some batteries and there have been a couple sinkings. The lower one is the vessel the FDEP uses sometimes and their vehicle has a bumper sticker on it asking everyone to report environmental crimes and a phone number. When their boat sunk it was full of gas which of course all leaked out and made a slick all the way across to the fuel dock that burned your eyes as we scooped their junk out of the water and put it on the seawall where they could find it. It was getting dark so next morning all the fuel evidence had washed out with the tide. I'm pretty sure no one was charged for that but don't you dare P in the water!
A decorated boat playing Christmas music made the rounds last night.
And lastly, with the new Baynham boat, Time Out, in the backround, I bid you adieu and wish you Merry Christmas.